Featured Alumna, Margherita Tedesco 

Margherita Tedesco - 2015 Casal Aveda Graduate and Owner of Margherita's Nail Salon

Just a few months after graduating from Casal Aveda Institute, Margherita Tedesco proudly opened her own nail salon in Canfield, Ohio.

While offering everything from eyelash extensions, spray tans, and bridal styling, to acrylics and the classic mani-pedi, Margherita takes the salon's specialty to a new level with her impressive nail designs.   

She tells us, "Nail art is what I'm known for. I hand-paint pictures and I can paint a mural across all five fingers, so it's really detailed. It's my favorite thing to do, I love it, and when you're done you've created this masterpiece."

Margherita is also an advocate for constant learning, seizing educational opportunities such as Spa Exposure Day at Casal Institute, hiring recent grads, beauty classes, and one-on-one instruction for her team.

We caught up with Margherita to find out more about her success:

What inspires you as an artist? 

It probably started from when I was a child, I always joke that my mom was Martha Stewart and Betty Crocker rolled into one. I've always been on the artsy side, we learned to sew and bake and do crafts, and if we didn't have something she taught us to create it ourselves. You find time to yourself to be creative and expressive, and that's time everyone needs.

Why do you love what you do? 

Since I was a teenager I wanted to do nails, so when I decided to start a family, I stepped away from twenty years in corporate America and went back to school. I quickly loved being a part of my clients' lives. If they're having a bad day, they have someone to talk to and express their feelings with, on top of getting their nails done and feeling like a new person. The group of girls I work with are amazing, everyone is compassionate and willing to help the person next to them, and it's an amazing life to have. 

How did your Aveda experience impact where you are now? 

Aveda provided me with the education I needed to be where I am today. I had the pleasure of having Carrie Greene as my instructor; she was very thorough and pushed you to take your talent to another level. Our exercises with Laura Casal inspired me to want more out of this industry and open my own salon, and to have that motivation means the world. Almost everyone in our salon came from Casal- we were trained in a professional manner, and we now carry that professionalism with us in business. I also strive to provide services in the most natural, chemical-free way, so we don't soak in acetone, and we educate our clients on our process and products.

Become a part of Margherita's inspiring community, check out brilliant design photos, or reach out for an appointment at Margherita's Nail Salon!

Posted on February 26, 2019 and filed under news.